Jason has 20 years of experience in several different markets around the country. He has been fortunate to work on a wide variety of project types including residential, corporate, civic, education, and healthcare. This experience allows him to bring a diverse layer of knowledge to every project, no matter the scale or scope. He is an excellent designer, a well-rounded architect, and has a natural inclination for leadership. He is calm under pressure, and his ability to visualize and organize his project team results in a complete, coordinated project delivery. Jason is very hands-on, often designing, drawing, and working on the computer to prepare master plans and concept designs.

 Currently Jason is managing multiple projects for WIN Energy and the Town of Newburgh, Indiana.  He received his Bachelors of Architecture and Environmental Design from Ball State University in 2005.  He went on to obtain his Masters in Interdisciplinary Design from the University of Cambridge in England.  Jason enjoys travelling, coaching sports, and spending time with his family.